Selasa, 05 April 2011

How to register a blog feed to feedburner

To enhance the reader / our blog traffic, one way is to register a blog feed to feedburner. For personal blogs may not be a problem going to the reader / traffic a lot or a little * its not a big deal *, can exist blogging and writing via blog also has become the pride of its own. Unlike sites which do require traffic with traffic increasing every day for income via the internet was increasing rapidly, if so feedburner one right choice to bring in new visitors every day. To increase traffic and income or just a show, "Hello World, here I'am, and is MyBlog and mystory ...!"

FeedBurner WHAT IS ...?

Feedburner is one of the "FREE SERVICE" media service provider of publication and audience. Services in the form of distributing content Blogs and RSS Feeds, which allows for either a commercial promotion or increase profits in their business over the internet. Or "just" want to introduce your blog to "go international" and add to readers from around the world. More on feedburner click here.

I think the testimony of Michael Webster said in his blog is enough to represent, "Feedburner is an excellent way to Publicize your blogsite and has many useful tools to make Easier for people to access. To top it off, the customer and They Provide technical assistance is absolutely top-notch. "

Let us just register and setting up our blog to feedburner.

• Go to the FeedBurner site, click here
• Input Feed Your Blog to the space provided *'m Foodcaster * ga need in the checklist
• Click Next
Consider the following screenshot,

After click next, you'll get the address of your blog feed from feedburner. example, you can rename Feed Title (title of the feed) and fed Feed Address underline these as you wish or leave it as a given feedburner,

Register your feed by filling out the form provided, note the screenshot above,
• username: The name for your sig in (go to feedburner later)
• password: password which of course there can be no other than you who knows
• password (again): Password same as above
• e-mail address: active email address
If all you have, click "Activate Feed" and will see a new page like the screenshot below, (if you do not already exist under the name of that use)

Before clicking the "Skip directly to feed management" as in the screenshot above, note the following third step, STEP THREE Reorient your blogger feed to Feedburner! Way, a copy of your Feedburner URL (blue) as in the screenshot above to input your blogger feed settings. How, login to your blogger account and click SETTINGS> SITE FEED and paste the feed from Feedburner into the space provided "Post Feed URL Change of Direction"

Click SAVE "Save settings" Before stepping on to STEP FOUR as a step "bonus" I want to say "CONGRATULATIONS!" Feed your blog has been registered and forwarded to feedburner ... and get ready to traffic a lot ... ^ _ ^ So far, this means you have list and setting up your blog feed to feed the burner appropriate post title ini.LANGKAH FOURTH As a bonus, again see the second step above and then click "Skip directly to feed management" to go directly to the Management / your feed settings in feedbuner. Why click "Skip directly to feed management" not "Next" because the next will lead us to "Enhance Your Stats" which means you will take care of the problem of traffic statistics of your blog to be able to "see" blog visitors come from and where and through which this You can do well later on after you enter "Skip directly to feed management". Okay, click "Skip directly to feed management" and you will see a new page.

We note at least there are 5 main tools provided by Feedburner to you, * I will not explain everything because it was too much, please rest later taught myself *
1. Analyze:
o Contains, feed statistics, Site Statistics, and Headline Animator while the FeedBurner Stats PRO lowest equal Site Statistics if you later enable it.
o Well Site Stats This is on top of me says do not click next, but directly to "Skip directly to feed management"
2. Optimize:
o Contains a lot of tools that you can learn it later, including the Summary Burner and Amazon ID Burner.
o Summary Burner you can activate after you activate the service subscription (subscribe) via email to the visitors of your blog and through the Summary Burner you can get a little play "strategy" to shorten the content of your blog posts via email delivery so that your visitors curious and read further content post in your blog. * Not cheat but you know ... * business strategy and I recommend only be used for blogs beradsense for personal blogs should not have to activate this tool. * I myself do not activate the Summary Burner to this blog.
3. Publicize:
o Headline Animator Among them there are commonly used by bloggers who registered at feedburner headline animator my example at the top displays the five most recent post titles alternately title.
o Then there is also "Email Subscriptions" tool for you to offer a subscription service via email like the above Optimize tool before switching on the Summary Burner you must enable the "bid" subscribe via email this on your blog visitors.
o There are also "FeedCount" a widget to show how many visitors your blog has many readers who subscribe to your blog, either through feed or via email. I FeedCount example above, heuheu. * Embarrassed *
Lain2, please learn it myself later.
4. Monetize:
o Indonesian Language is easy to monetize is "cashing in" or "melt" * CMIIW * nah if you work with google adsense then this tool you can use. The trick will be related to the edit html of your blog. Do not worry easy ko. Once you follow the instructions later, the adsense ads will appear below the first post of your blog.
5. Troubleshootize:
o From the name alone is clearly an imagined my pa! Yupz if you have a problem with your Feedburner account just click the tool and there is also the forum to express grievances etc. Anyway if you click on this tool then the first appearance of the words funny remarks "Oh Dear, What Kind of Trouble?" ^ _ ^
Okay for now * again * as a "bonus" I will guide to install three feedburner widget on your blog. [1] Email Subscriptions, [2] Headline Animator, and [3] FeedCount all of which exist in the tool "Publicize"
1. Installing Feedburner Email Subscriptions
To activate the offer to subscribe via email to the visitors of your blog, click the Publicize> Email Subscriptions. There are three options for the use of email delivery service that is [1] through FeedBurner, [2] FeedBlitz, and [3] Rmail. To simplify let alone the standard option is through FeedBurner. Then click Activate. There are two choices of widgets, [1] keep a "widget form" subscribe (subscribe) via email on a page element to your blog, or [2] Tekslink which will bring up popup windows. Let's say you choose "widget form" there are two ways you can do [1] copying and pasting the above code shown or [2] using the import facility page "Use as a widget in" and you just choose what to use on your blog? TypePad, TypePad (Japan) or Blogger. Select bloggers if you use blogger service and click "GO" and follow the instructions easily distinguished.
Then you can manage email communications with your customers, if you are using the Indonesian language blog then e-mail communications or "Communication Preferences" This could be your settings with the Indonesian language. The trick is still in the "Email Subscriptions" select "Communication Preferences". There are three Communication Preferences you can set: [1] Email "From" Address: display your email address as the sender posts via email. [2] Confirmation Email Subject: contains the subject line, the examples provided by feedburner "Activate your Email Subscription to: MY-BLOG" You can replace it with what you want, say "Activate your email to subscribe to our blog" [3] Confirmation Email Body : Email confirmation, please keep in mind and adjust as you see fit to communicate with new customers who want to subscribe to your blog postings. As for delivery time you can set it on "Delivery Options"
Congratulations you already have an email widget Subscriptions
2. Installing Feedburner Headline Animator
Still on the "Publicize" click the Headline Animator. See the form "Create a New Headline Animator" is select the size and shape headline animator on "Theme" Title in the checklist if you want to display the name of your blog. Color and dates please be set on each form. If already see first preview at the bottom, if it is felt appropriate and size in accordance with your blog's sidebar click on "Activate" again you'll see a preview of the accident are shown in feedburner, then on "Add to MySpace, TypePad, etc." Choose Blogger Blogs click next, will appear in a new window and click Add to Blogger and follow the easy instructions.
Congratulations you already have a widget Headline Animator
3. Replacing FeedCount (Chicklet) Feedburner
Still on the "Publicize" click "FeedCount" There are two options Chicklet; Static and Animated. Please choose based on your taste and select also color and textnya body. If you already click "Activate" Feedburner Chicklet preview will show you (Your Chicklet). Untuki put it on your blog there are two options, [1] copy the html code provided or [2] using the service import "Use as a widget in" and select the blog that you are using, select bloggers if you use blogger and click "GO" wait a minute and follow the easy instructions.

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