Rabu, 06 April 2011


The disease occurs when the body's condition we have an imbalance and / or decreased immunity that resulted in us easily infected with diseases. Health problems occur because of components in our body caused disturbed by many factors, among others: pollution, germs, chemicals, radiation, lack of rest, lack of exercise, unhealthy diet and not nutritious, etc.. To prevent the occurrence of disease in the body, we must apply the correct lifestyle and healthy. Intake Good nutrition and a balanced, regular exercise, adequate rest, and also spiritual and social activities are balanced. The disease is not we expect the arrival, but if it happens we have to know the solution. Not all treatments provide results as we expected, sometimes even taking the drugs that we would invite other diseases that also require other treatment. Melia Propolis Provide Health Solution Almost all the Scriptures written about bees. Quran has mentioned about the benefits of bee products in Surat An Nahl verse 68 & 69 ".... Will come out of the bee abdomen syaraabun (fluid) variegated, it is no cure for humans". Various studies have been conducted around the world have been strengthened and proved the efficacy of propolis in preventing various kinds of diseases. Propolis has been shown to have many benefits as a solution to health problems. For humans propolis is useful for: 1. Detoxification (Disposal of toxins from the body)
2. Natural antibiotics (antimicrobial such as viruses, bacteria and fungi),
3. Anti Inflammation
4. Anti Allergy
5. Enhancing Immunity / Immune
6. Anti-oxidants (free radicals, prevent cancer and kill cancer cells)
7. Nutrition (cell repair and regeneration of body cells)
So we are not surprised when propolis is able to help the healing process of various diseases such as: cough, asthma, bronchitis, lung inflammation, lung cancer, sinusitis, fever, headache, sharps injuries, burns, swelling, polyps , peptic ulcers, skin infections, ear infections, sore gums, sore-teeth, pimples, boils, cysts, myom, vaginal infections, skin diseases and fungi, cancer / tumors, heart disease, kidney disease, herpes, liver disease or hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, low blood, gout, rheumatism, indigestion, hemorrhoids, cataracts, dengue, and many other diseases that can not be mentioned one by one. In this blog, in addition to conveying information about health and illness, I also will share experiences, both personal experience, the experience of people close to me or the people that I know when using Melia Propolis. I feel happy and grateful to participate when they recover their health after they consume and use Melia Propolis. Propolis is a proof of the greatness of God which is produced by bees and has been shown in the Qur'an (Surat an-Nahl, Verse 69): Thumma kulii min kullits tsamaraati faslukii subula rabbiki dzululay yakhruju mim buthuunihaa syaraabum mukhtalifun alwaanuhuu fiihi syifaa lin-ul naasi FII dzaalika inna li la aayatal qaumiyy yatafakkaruun. Then eat of all the fruits and walk in the way of thy Lord submissively. "There come forth from Their bellies a beverage of many hues Syaraabun, in the which there is healing for men. Therein is surely a sign for a people WHO Reflect Then eat a variety of fruits, then the streets laluilah Lord obediently. Come out of her stomach syaraabun (fluid) colorful, and her healing for humans. Verily in this is a sign for people who reflect. Healthy Greetings to all

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